If you haven’t heard already, the Worldwide Developers Conference in Washington D.C. kicked off yesterday and there was one feature everyone instantly “tweeted” about: Buttery Scrolling! Yeeeeeessssss!!!
If you’re like me, or anyone else NOT at the conference, you’re reaction right now is probably similar to any of these folks’ who actually attended the event and heard about it first hand:
“Beautiful buttery scrolling.” – a thing Apple just said. Use tabs to make a rich flaky pastry.
— eric epstein (@theericepstein) June 2, 2014
I’m worried about my cholesterol so I’m going to hold out for I Can’t Believe It’s Not Buttery Scrolling. #butteryscrolling #WWDC14
— Jason Conti (@VinnyTheMobster) June 2, 2014
<ive>”Our new scrolling paradigm is unapologetically buttery. The sheer number of calories delivered in each pixel is astounding.”</ive> #fb
— Q Manning (@QManning) June 2, 2014
“I’ll have some buttery scrolling with my pancakes”
— Benny Wong (@bdotdub) June 2, 2014
I’m not sure if “buttery scrolling” makes me hungry or horny.
— Mr. Mike Merrill (@kmikeym) June 2, 2014
Ok, Funny. But what is Buttery Scrolling?
Yes, it’s true. I have no idea what “buttery scrolling” is either. Instead, I looked at my twitter feed being filled with butter and thought several things all at once:
- That’ll be a meme, or a hashtag worth laughing about, no doubt
- That’s some serious SEO juice right there
- That’s exactly how Upworthy or BuzzFeed get all their fans. They title bait you with stuff like this. I wonder if I could create a really good “title bait”?
- I wonder if I could get some raw data on an article that is totally title bait?
And that’s what this post is ALL ABOUT! Yes. If you are here, reading this, looking for buttery scrolling, I’m sorry to disappoint. But you’ll still be one of my statistics very soon (probably one of the very short read times and immediate bounces, oh well…).
But here’s why you should stick around. I’ll follow-up on this in a week or so, maybe a month tops. I’ll be tracking how this article does and I’ll follow-up with data. Specifically, how well does this post do in comparison to my other articles which are actually… well, relevant and helpful.
So stay tuned, and hold the buttery scrolling!